BONES (2019)

Bones yearned for a direct correlation between our bodies and wild nature itself, accessing the physical embodiment of the power and resilience the earth holds - It's destruction, backfire, elements, memories, history, war, trauma, joy, pain, experiences, and loss are all a reflection of the human experience. In turn, we do hear the earth's whisper, and if we listen close enough, it will unveil infinite wisdom.

Bones revealed the grueling process of overcoming our individual and collective wounds and included twelve performers, each individual with a radically different history, but all speaking the same tongue. Humanity shares the same bone matter, and our skeletons will all come back to the earth eventually. Just as our ancestors told myths as a form of expression, Bones was an invitation to experience the wild and truthful tales of resilience.

Bones was awarded Dancer’s Group CA$H Grant and premiered at the Joe Goode Annex March 1st and 2nd, 2019 in San Francisco, CA.